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Thảo luận trong 'Kinh doanh, bán hàng, CSKH' bắt đầu bởi Công ty TNHH TM&DV Dylan, 14/10/22.


Thành phố: HCM
Chức danh: Nhân viên
Lương: 8,000,000
Điện thoại: Chưa có (Lưu ý)
Địa chỉ: Chưa có (Lưu ý)
Thông tin: Đã gửi 14/10/22, 4257 Xem, 1 Trả lời
  1. Công ty TNHH TM&DV Dylan Xây giá trị - Dựng niềm tin

    Công ty TNHH TM&DV DYLAN tuyển dụng

    Số lượng: 2 nhân viên

    Yêu cầu:

    - Chuyên ngành liên quan đến kinh tế, thủy sản
    - Có giọng nói rõ ràng, dễ nghe
    - Chăm chỉ, chịu khó, chịu được áp lực công việc.
    - Có ý chí cầu tiến trong công việc.

    Mô tả công việc:

    Chăm sóc khách hàng cũ, tìm kiếm khách hàng mới.

    Công việc cụ thể hơn sẽ được trao đổi lúc phỏng vấn

    Quyền lợi:

    - Lương cơ bản + doanh số
    - Trợ cấp
    - Xét thưởng hàng quý, năm

    Hồ sơ gồm: Sơ yếu lý lịch, CV, đơn xin việc, CMND photo, bằng cấp có liên quan

    Địa điểm làm việc: Chung cư Sunview Cây Keo, phường Tam Phú, Thủ Đức (Tp.HCM)

    Hồ sơ gửi về địa chỉ email: congtydylan@gmail.com

    Sđt liên hệ: 0945842233_ Ms. Ly
  2. Raymondvioff

    Raymondvioff New Member

    EMDR Therapy for Sexual Assault Survivors and Rediscovering Healing and Wholeness.

    Sexual attack is some sort of traumatic experience of which might destroy survivors' sense connected with safety, trust, and well-being. Eye Movement Sensory Desensitization in addition to Reprocessing Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy provides a effective source pertaining to survivors of sexual violence, promoting their tour toward healing, authorization, and also reclaiming their sense of self and also wholeness.

    In this forum post, we explore the application linked with EMDR therapy in survivors associated with sexual abuse and discuss its potential benefits intended for taking care of upheaval-related concerns and also promoting resilience and also recovery.

    An of the primary challenges faced by survivors of rape can be the pervasive impact associated with trauma on their mental, emotional, along with physical health. EMDR treatment provides a new structured in addition to evidence-based approach to be able to trauma treatment which could help survivors process distressing memories along with emotions, challenge bad beliefs about themselves, as well as establish increased adaptive problem management options.

    Further, EMDR therapy could address the elaborate structure regarding sexual trauma, including issues including shame, guilt, in addition to self-blame, that survivors might struggle with from the aftermath linked with assault. By providing any safe and supporting space with regard to survivors to be able to examine their encounters and also emotions, EMDR counseling empowers them for you to recapture their sense associated with agency and self-worth.

    Furthermore, EMDR therapy's focus on restarting wholeness and integration aligns with the actual goals connected with many survivors linked with sexual harassment, who tend to be seeking in order to heal from their trauma and also move onwards with their lives. By delivering effective and efficient and also accessible upheaval treatment, EMDR therapy helps survivors within reclaiming their power and building some sort of much brighter future free from the darkness of the previous.

    EMDR IOP for addiction
    Teen Associate Interaction Regimen Possibilities 6c510e7

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