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  2. Hiện tại việc làm miễn phí có rất nhiều việc làm các doanh nghiệp cần tuyển, nếu bạn chưa có việc làm, hãy gửi hồ sơ cho chúng tôi tại chuyên mục Hồ sơ, người tìm việc, sau đó chúng tôi sẽ gửi công việc phù hợp theo yêu cầu của bạn hoàn toàn miễn phí. Tham gia ngay.

Cần tuyển nhân viên nữ bán hàng về đồ dùng làm tóc

Thảo luận trong 'Lao động phổ thông' bắt đầu bởi Bảo Nam, 5/11/21.


Thành phố: Hà Nội
Chức danh: Nhân viên
Lương: 9,000,000
Điện thoại: Chưa có (Lưu ý)
Địa chỉ: Chưa có (Lưu ý)
Thông tin: Đã gửi 5/11/21, 7205 Xem, 3 Trả lời
  1. Bảo Nam New Member

    -Tại : Khu vực Đống Đa

    -Mức lương : 6 triệu (+500K phụ cấp+ %doanh thu)

    -Thời gian làm việc: Full ca 9h – 20h

    -Yêu cầu : có kinh nghiệm bán hàng trên facebook

    -Làm giờ 12tiếng/ngày, 1 tháng nghỉ 2 ngày

    -Công việc:

    +Bán hàng trực tiếp tại cửa hàng, đóng hàng và kiểm soát hàng hóa.

    +Bán hàng trên facebook và trả lời khách hàng

    -Địa chỉ: 256 Đê La Thành Nhỏ, Đống Đa – Hà Nội

    -Inbox trao đổi công việc trực tiếp.

    -LH : 0985512751 ( không qua môi giới)
  2. MichaelGlilm

    MichaelGlilm New Member

  3. TBTtokenxx

    TBTtokenxx New Member

    Instead of trying to create life on a new planet, let's save this one, it’s cheaper! The Boring Token is the first token on Bsc Scan that aims to save the nature.
    What makes it different from other tokens are some features, such as rewards, autobuyback and the guardian of the nature.
    The boring token aims to save the nature through collaborating with different organizations, events on saving nature and so on.
    However, its two main aims are to put "Reverse Vending Machine" for recycling all over the world, and planting trees together with TBT community, where each holder for each planting tree gets rewarded 5$. On top is stacking application. Stay tuned!

    Website: https://theboringtoken.com/
    Contract : https://bscscan.com/token/0x0ae1bD8E41AE13776D5D038Ce5316df21e00fD15
    Telegram : https://t.me/theboringtokenbsc
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/BoringToken_
  4. topsamaraensurf

    topsamaraensurf New Member

    Как так то

    заявление в управляющую компанию

    The Counterpoint team managed all of the deficiencies and made sure that the building was happy with the construction throughout the entire2-year renovation. For that reason, Rule 2-01 provides that, in determining whether an accountant is independent, the Commission will consider all relevant facts and circumstances. In determining whether an accountant is independent, the Commission will consider all relevant circumstances, including all relationships between the accountant and the audit client, and not just those relating to reports filed with the Commission. Any partner, principal, shareholder, or professional employee of the accounting firm, any of his or her immediate family members, any close family member of a covered person in the firm, or any group of the above persons has filed a Schedule 13D or 13G (17 CFR 240.13d-101 or 240.13d-102) with the Commission indicating beneficial ownership of more than five percent of an audit client's equity securities or controls an audit client, or a close family member of a partner, principal, or shareholder of the accounting firm controls an audit client. 1) Financial relationships. An accountant is not independent if, at any point during the audit and professional engagement period, the accountant has a direct financial interest or a material indirect financial interest in the accountant's audit client, such as: (i) Investments in audit clients.

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